An Inspiring Artist’s Studio
The Brief
Mishell is an artist who has a good eye for colour. Her art pieces are vibrant and colourful that she proudly displays in her home. Challenges she encountered when she moved into her new house were as follows:
She did not feel inspired and found it difficult to get any work done in her basement studio
The entrance, kitchen, dining room, playroom and Mishell’s studio were all situated in the basement level which was damp and cold when the family first moved in.
She was unsure about her entrance area as she was hoping to create some sort of a ‘wow’ factor for her potential clients but she was unsure how to achieve that spatially and energetically
Our Solutions
Most activities happened in the basement where the kitchen, dining room and play area were located. Mishell felt there was something not right about this floor, so the main focus of this project was to liven up the basement area up visually and energetically. Since we were dealing with a large open space, the first objective was to anchor the home with a focal point which we later called the ‘money spot’.
According to the Feng Shui energy map, the lucky star that year landed in the area near the entrance which was used for breakfast and casual gatherings. I advised to brighten up this area with a wash of yellow paint on the surrounding walls to bring in the ‘earth’ element where some of Mishell’s paintings would be displayed. This area was then visually extended to the exterior by creating a ‘secret garden’ in the courtyard with a cosy sitting area. These 2 areas then became the center of the house that collected the good energy (chi) which would anchor the entire home. In order to ‘warm up’ the basement, I suggested using dehumidifiers to first get rid of the dampness and placing Himalayan salt lamps in various places to purify the air.
Another major proposal I made was to move Mishell’s studio to the top floor. The room she originally chose for her studio had a stagnant energy that might have prevented her from focusing on her work, hence she was constantly feeling uninspired. I referred to the energy map to determine the best room for her, which had plenty of daylight as well as having a better placement on the energy map, to create her beautiful artwork. To complete the new set-up, I suggested using water features such as water plants and diffusers in order to bring in ‘movement’ and better flow in her work life.
Interior decorations were used for balancing the energy of her home, including adopting energy balancing colours in certain areas, plants to bring life to the basement, diffusers for activating the ‘water’ element, Himalayan salt lamp and metal decorative objects.
Mishell came back a year later for a follow-up energy analysis just before the circuit breaker had started. Apart from revising the placement of the interior decoratives for balancing the energy of her home, Mishell had a private singing bowl therapy with me which helped her raise her vibration and balance her own energy level.
Courtyard Before
Courtyard After
Breakfast Area Before
Breakfast Area After
What the Client Says
“I am so happy and inspired working in my studio because of the magnificent daylight that floods the room and the new-found space that I have! This is all thanks for Mae from MASE Lifestyle who practically urged me very strongly to consider using this room upstairs instead of the basement room that I initially had in mind. She told me that I would be inspired in here because of the energy and the lighting in the room. Mae, you are absolutely right! - Thank you.”
Feng Shui Inspired Design
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Private Singing Bowl Therapy
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