Insights & Reflections


The Busyness Illusion | Breaking Free from the Hustle Narrative

The hustle culture never stops.  

It seems to be something to be celebrated about. ‘I’ve been really busy’ often becomes an automatic response when we are being greeted. Being busy has become almost like a status, a measuring stick for our worth and success. If you haven’t been busy, it means you’re lazy, or just not that successful at all. But why is our success defined by how busy we are? More importantly, has ‘I’m busy’ become a standard answer to declining an invitation for something we are not interested in?

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HEAL Mae Kwan HEAL Mae Kwan

When Fear Becomes Your Best Ally

One thing we all have in common is fear.

It comes in all forms: for some, it's the fear of not being in control; for others, it's the fear of being alone. We all have our own challenges, and it's easy to forget that we're not in this alone.

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Beyond the Wellness Bubble: My Take on Living a Balanced Life

In recent years, there has been a strong emphasis on living well. People are increasingly open to exploring ways to maintain their well-being and enhance their quality of life. This trend often prioritises physical fitness and health, sometimes at the expense of mental, emotional, and spiritual well-being. Additionally, there is a rigid interpretation of what it means to be "zen," raising the question of whether "zen" is even meant to be a constant state.

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Beyond Barriers | Breaking Through Stagnation

Life is unpredictable.

No matter how much we try to plan, we can’t control every twist and turn that comes our way. So, if we know that uncertainty is part of the deal, why do we fear it so much? Why do we let the unknown hold us back, even when it’s clear that embracing it could lead us to something better?

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Nature as Healer | Bridging Personal and Planetary Well-being

Nature has always provided.

It's a simple statement, and yet so many of us, myself included, often take this for granted. We forget that for Mother Nature to continue providing, we must give back by looking after her. Natural disasters often serve as stark reminders of the imbalance in our ecosystem, acting as wake-up calls for us to become more mindful of our planet's health.

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Why the Energy of Your Environment Matters

Everything is energy - as Einstein famously noted. When we begin to work with energy within ourselves, it matters that our surrounding energy supports our wellbeing. The space we inhabit, particularly our home where we rejuvenate and recharge, plays a key role in how we feel day to day.

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HEAL Mae Kwan HEAL Mae Kwan

Staying Grounded Through Transformation | A Guide for the Year of the Snake in 2025

As we enter the Year of the Snake, we embrace a profound time of shedding old skin and renewal. This journey brings us closer to our true, authentic selves. However, staying grounded during this unveiling process is crucial to avoid losing ourselves in transformation. Uncertainty stands as a part of life. Many of us struggle with the fear of the unknown. It's essential to remind ourselves that it is the journey that matters, not the destination.

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HEAL Mae Kwan HEAL Mae Kwan

Heart-Centered Healing | A Guide to Opening Your Heart Chakra

In today's fast-paced world, connecting with our heart energy has become more crucial than ever. Our heart centre is where we find love, peace, and stillness—it is where our soul resides. By regularly connecting with our hearts, we can make decisions rooted in love and inspiration rather than fear and past trauma.

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The Art of Conscious Creation | Why Meditation is Your Most Powerful Tool

Whilst sat in a meeting to discuss UNSTUCK™ workshops and events for 2025, I was asked what I feel would better equip the participants for the new year. Manifestation, especially for abundance, seems to be on most people's minds once the festive spirit has subsided. Having spent a significant amount on presents, celebrations and holidays, it seems natural for us to clean house and set a healthy foundation for the year ahead.

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HEAL Mae Kwan HEAL Mae Kwan

Emotional Detox and Regulation

Ever felt overwhelmed by your emotions or caught in cycles of judgment? Read my latest blog on emotional detox - where I share my journey from seeing sensitivity as weakness to discovering it as my superpower for healing.

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Island Takeover | Wellness Retreat on Cempedak Island

Island Takeover: Wellness Retreat on Cempedak Island.

As wellness retreats have surged in popularity post-pandemic, I embarked on a bold mission: to create a unique experience by taking over a private island for a four-day wellness retreat. Though I rarely blog about my workshops and events, this one deserves to be shared, and it begins with a story that shows how it all came together.

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HEAL Mae Kwan HEAL Mae Kwan

The Hidden Connection | Neck Stiffness and Life’s Stuckness

Explore the connection between physical pain, emotional well-being, and energy balance. Learn about the throat chakra, stress management techniques, and practical tips to alleviate neck stiffness and improve overall health. Discover how addressing physical tension may unlock personal growth and emotional freedom.

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